
Wednesday 24 March 2010

march 3rd first shoot

We began by driving to Heathrow Terminal 5, were we had to get there as soon as possible because we only had 15 minutes to film what we wanted. we had to apply for a filming permit from the media office in the terminal, this was all done last minute. We arrived at the terminal and drove tot he forecourt where we had Amar walking out of the doors into the forecourt as if he had just come of a flight. We first had a scene where he recieves his car keys of a random women we asked to help us out, we decided not to use that scene even though she was really good looking.

We then left the airport and went straight to the countryside where we had a lovely villa waiting for us to film inside. We had many problems such as, lighting - this made our work look too dark as we didnt have suficient lighting. One scene we filmed was done using nightshot as we film us going into the drive and parking up outside the house. It was very dificult too hold a steady shot as the ground was covered in stones.

We then continued to inside the house where we displayed a 180 degree rule using a mirror, we had to use the perfect amount of light because we only wanted to have Humzah barely visible till he walked inside from the balcony. This is when Humzah confronts Amar where he says a few lines and then pulls out a gun, cocks it back and holds it to Amars face.

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