
Wednesday 3 March 2010

Final Destination 3

In the film

al Destination 3” we can quickly discover that it is thriller film due to the media concepts used. This film contains alot of suspense which keeps the viewer engaged and makes them want to watch more. It also has alot of blood and this makes it more interesting to watch. Final destination uses a number of media concepts such as imagery and sound to emphasis certain areas of the film.

The 3 scenes in which the media concepts are used effectively and reinforce that it is a thriller move are...

1.This picture shows the scene where the 2 girls are baked to death inside a sun tanning machine. This is evidence of the film being a thriller as it makes the audience sit on the edges of their seats and is full of suspense.
2.This picture shows the beginning of the film where the students are on the rollercoaster as it is all falling apart causing them all to die. This is evidence of the film being a thriller as it has alot of adrenaline running through the viewer because they know what is about to happen and are getting anxious.
3.This picture shows the scene where the man doesn’t belie the vision and then gets killed while exercising. This is evidence of the film being a thriller as there is suspense and some blood.

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