
Saturday 6 February 2010

Conventions of a thriller

Thrillers are essentially about the battle of justice vs. injustice where often there is a price to be paid for the conclusion of the story. A thriller is a film of suspense with a plot structure that reinforces the elements of gamesmanship and the chase. Thrillers can be spy based, tales of geopolitical crisis, legal thrillers, medical thrillers, techno thrillers or domestic thrillers. Commonly thrillers progress with a growing sense of threat or danger and the excitement of pursuit.Relating to iconography the Setting Can be urban, isolated surbuban settings, cities or quiet country villages. Mise-en-scene includes Normally dim lighting hiding parts to a character, large threatening weapons for props e.g. large knives, guns etc. Camera shots are normally point of view shots, frames within frames, or close ups. Often there is also a lot of camera movement. Colours are also used to signify different emotions like red connates blood or danger, blue cold mystery or death. Also thrillers always revolve around a crime of some kind where the protagonist will have a weakness the the antagonist will take advantage of, slowly this will cause the suspense to build up causing the protagonist to feel isolated at least once during the film.

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