
Saturday 6 February 2010


- Silent beginning gives a very suspenseful approach to the start of the film which gives a serious approach as we don't no what to expect.
- The lighting is dark in the beginning, and during the trailer begins to lighten up.
- Main Characters names are displayed before the any clips are even shown e.g. Marlon Brando, Al Pacino.
- Produced by Paramount Pictures.
- Trailer involves a lot of fading in and out to change scenes which creates a continuous effect.
- Music gives us a very calm, mellow feeling, the soundtrack played is used during the film most of the time so it is relevant.
- Trailer consists of main characters speaking.

- Lighting Dark, with mild lighting, but some spots emphasized with strong lighting
-Sound- Main character speaks, in trailer, leads on audience, voice gives a recognition of scariness. The voice is followed with some dramatic music which builds up an then grows louder with big scenes scenes
- Main Characters: Heath Ledger and Christian Bale
-Location- America
-Camera movements, Upbeat, fast movements , then slow and continuous, but then each scene un ravels another camera shot.

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