
Friday 23 April 2010

Looking at Theories And Comparing Them To Our 2 Minute Opening Thriller

* Todorov

Did A.M.U.H Productions use this thoery?

- No we did not.
- Why?
- Todorov's theory is based around three main sections which are Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and Solution.

Looking at the Equilibrium it showed we didn't have one, as audience could not pick up something bad was going to happen, looking at the music it also did not help as it showed no sense of bad vibes.

In the end we did have a Disequilibrium as our main character shows up to see his enemy from the past who he was betrayed by.

Solution comes through the whole move ending and seeing the next scene.

As we did not have all three aspects of the Todorovs theory it was clear we could not say we had used it in our 2 minute opening of a thriller, but in-all got a great concept still from using a range of shots and music and dialogue.

* Propps Thoery

Did A.M.U.H Productions use this thoery?

- No we did not
- Why?
- Propps theory was that there should be at least 8 main characters in a movie.

As we only had to make a 2 minute opening thriller, our video did not need to contain many characters, we thought if it did it would become to confusing. Looking at many thriller movies today, you can see that there are not many characters and mostly just contain a antagonist, protagonist, maybe a right hand man,a heroin and maybe 1 extra main character. So looking at our movie from a wider point of view we thought we would keep it simple. As we did not make the whole film we could not decide on how many more characters we would introduce.

Comparing our old rough cut to our new final video

Looking at your first rough cut, there were many problems with our video. The first being that it was too long. The maximum we were aloud was 2.12 seconds and maybe an extra couple of seconds with title sequences and other bits and bobs such as special effects. Eventually we cut this down by taking away 1 extra shot and the special effect before that saving us a total of 4 seconds. Another problem was that sounding was a problem. We had sound changing suddenly from a up beat to a slow and sad song. Getting audience feed back, we saw that it was a totally different to what the first song we played was Going on to the final cut, we took out the second beat of music, and left the upbeat one at the beginning as we thought it engaged the audience. Also at 0.37 seconds of the video you could hear background sound of the clip which was a plane and other bits and bobs. This was resolved by splitting scenes and decreasing the sound of that particular clip through iMovie. The fourth problem we faced was some clips jumping and not looking continuous.Adding in more special effects helped resolve this problem.The last problem we faced was a major one.The problem was a key scene in our 2 minute opening thriller. It was when Mr Carlos who was played by Amar Pandya received a phone call from Tony his guard man at the house. The audience feedback told us that they could not understand what was being said so straight away we thought a voice over had to fix this.So in the end we used Garage band to create a recording and then mime it in with what was said. This scene can be seen at 1.35 in the final video screening. In all we changed a lot through the rough cut and the final cut we've come a long way making sure we listen to our audience and making the final product spot on, as you will see from the audience feedback.



Thursday 22 April 2010