
Thursday 28 January 2010

Starting the coursework

In today's lesson which was on the 28/01/10 Ms Kulas introduced the coursework to us. Ms Kulas also made us aware of the match on action, 180 degree rule and shot/reverse shot camera angles, and also told us how effective they can be if used the right way with the right affects.

We were also told about the marking scheme and how many marks you can get for each part of coursework, for example there are 100 marks available and of those 100 marks:

  1. 20 marks go towards research and planing
  2. 60 marks go towards construction
  3. 20 marks are for evaluation.

We were then moved into our chosen groups where we discussed more about the coursework. Furthermore during the lesson we also looked at the 2-3 mins opening scene clips of other students from other schools. We approximately witnessed about 3 clips, after seeing these clips we had a class discussion on each of those clips referring to WWW (what went well) and EBI's (even better if). Watching these clips gave us an idea of what to construct and put together in order to achieve the highest marks. Later on we moved on to the iMac's and were taught on how to use the application iMovie, after being taught we each introduced ourselves to the camera saying our names and referring to what role we will be playing in order to construct our coursework.